Abstract: In the framework of the European Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) program, the MyOcean project aims to implement the European capability for ocean prediction. Started in 2009, for three years, the project is integrating state-of-the-art ocean modelling, ocean data observing system (including satellite expertise and in situ) and operational engineering. The objective is to provide real-time estimates and predictions of the marine environment as well as long time series over past period in the European basins and at global scale.
The MyOcean project is based on European national marine expertise and is mainly dedicated to intermediate users. Mercator Ocean, the French institute dedicated to operational oceanography is the coordinator of the MyOcean project. The institute is also in charge of the monitoring and predicting capability of the global ocean. In parallel to MyOcean, Mercator Ocean provides a service and associated products to its national users.
Assessment of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) potential, and of other relevant resources, can be inferred from operational oceanography products. In fact, these ocean products can be used to perform environmental impact assessment, or prepare and design future energy plant deployment or optimization. Marine energy activity can also benefit in real time, every day, from the monitoring that delivers ocean predictions.