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OES Annual report 2021

2021, year of the rebound? It was a year of progress in ocean energy development showing a global interest in the field.

64145-iea-oes-2021-annual-report.pngYann-Hervé De Roeck
France Energies Marines
IEA-OES Chairman (2021 – 2022):

"These long months of pandemic, with their impact on the lives of our loved ones, our health, our habits and even our certainties, have made us aware of the need to activate all the levers of the energy transition, including ocean energy for those countries that benefit from this opportunity along their shore. The multiple levers activated include:
  • powerful investment aid for all renewable energy solutions, however very few specific to ocean energy,
  • new policy frameworks that facilitate the deployment of ocean energy or hybrid systems. Indeed, more and more hybrid solutions, combining wave and wind energy or wave and solar photovoltaic energy, are developing rapidly."

In the annual report you can read about the achievements made in 2021, OES' activities, as well as reports from each member country.

Download the report.

The OES is organised under the auspices of the International Energy Agency (IEA) but is functionally and legally autonomous. Views, findings and publications of the OES do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or its individual member countries.