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Benefits for members

International collaboration and cooperative activities under the OES means:

  • Shared costs and pooled technical resources
  • Avoided duplication of effort and repetition of errors
  • Harmonised technical standards
  • A network of researchers
  • Stronger national R&D capabilities
  • Accelerated technology development and deployment
  • Better dissemination of information
  • Easier technical consensus
  • Boosted trade and exports

Through their regular meetings, each member provides a well established platform where high-profile ocean energy issues can be addressed by experts and officials close to government policy making in each member country.

Who can participate?
Any public or private organisation within OECD member or non-member countries, international organisations, or non-governmental organisations may participate.

Membership of the OES is by invitation of the Executive Committee to country governments.

If your organisation is interested in participating in this initiative, the first step is to contact the Chair or the Executive Secretary and to discuss together the winwin of working together. Thereafter follows an exchange of letters with the final step being the signature of the Energy Technology Initiative.

The OES is organised under the auspices of the International Energy Agency (IEA) but is functionally and legally autonomous. Views, findings and publications of the OES do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the IEA Secretariat or its individual member countries.