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Innovations for Extreme Mooring Conditions

Date: October 07, 2013 at 22:48 GMT

Abstract: Mooring lines are an important component for the safety of floating structures. In our investigations it became clear that there were some aspects on which knowledge was limited and therefore we should make a concerted effort to investigate and develop ways to improve existing designs.

Vicinay Cadenas S.A. has made its business to confront these new challenges head on, with the firm intention of increasing the sum of mooring line knowledge and component quality.

Often our investigations took us into unknown areas and sometimes a degree of risk was taken in order to make a breakthrough. 

The main innovations in the last few years have been the following:

  • Advances in Product Technology:
    a. Grade R5 with ongoing investigation into a new Grade R5S
    b. New chain and accessories design options
    c. Re-engineering of the fabrication process for forged accessories
    d. Coatings to improve resistance to corrosion and wear
    e. Investigation into fracture mechanics to be included as a further parameter in the design of mooring lines
    f. Investigation into fatigue with tests on 1:1 scale chains
    g. Megachains
  • Process Technology
    a. Double Heat Treatment to optimise material properties
    b. CIRUS Robot for the automatic UT inspection
    c. QWELD system to control production quality.
  • Company Sustainability and Health & Safety programs 

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