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Wave Energy Resource in the Western Part of Japan

Date: November 05, 2013 at 16:02 GMT

Numerical simulation is conducted for 40 years period to find the wave resource distribution along the Japanese coast in regional scale. Three level nested domain is constructed in WAVEWATCH III to carry out the regional scale simulation and 40 years record from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data is utilized for input. Calculation result is compared with GPS buoy data for model validation.
40 years average of wave energy flux is calculated from the model output and it is found that most of the coastline in the western part of Japanese main islands is exposed to the wave with 4-7kW/m of energy. The most energetic wave found off the coast of western part of Japanese main islands is about 10kW/m. Small islands off south of Japanese main islands have the highest potential in the region, where the energy level reaches to 15kW/m. 

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