Abstract: The main aim of power systems is to meet continuously changing load demand for active and reactive power with a certain quality. The quality of power supply must fulfil standards regarding constancy of frequency and voltage and level of reliability. This is why two of the main obstacles towards the integration of many renewable energy sources are resource intermittency and variability.
The impact of wave farms depends on the strength of the grid. A weaker grid will suffer larger voltage variation at the connection point than a strong one. Taking into account that many of the wave energy converters and farms will be connected to the distribution system close to shore (weak grids), many grid integration aspects should be analyzed to assess suitable and secure working both of the wave farm and of the grid.
This paper shows a case study with simulation results of a wave farm connected to bimep (Biscay Marine Energy Platform) regarding power quality issues. The study is focused on how storage and reactive power control affect power losses and voltage variations as well as fault ride-through capability. Comparative results for different wave energy technologies will be discussed.
The analysis was carried out within the framework of the OES-IA Collaborative Annex III: Integration of Ocean Energy Plants into Distribution and Transmission Electrical Grids. Simulations are carried out using DIgSILENT PowerFactory simulation tool.