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Conceptual Design for Bacanga Tidal Power Plant, Brazil

Date: October 15, 2013 at 18:43 GMT

Abstract: The tidal energy, although known and explored since Antique ages, is considered today as an alternative source for electric energy generation. The energy of the tides is a type of renewable, not pollutant energy and its costs are comparable to the hydroelectricity. Few places in the world are appropriate for the tide energy harnessing.

The main evaluation parameters are tide height variation and proximity to energy consuming markets. In Brazil, there are possibilities in the North region states, where the tidal amplitudes are observed. Nowadays, low head turbine development allows other places competitive for tidal power exploitation. The Bacanga dam, located in São Luís city, Maranhão state, is a potential site to convert tidal energy into electricity. A new concept for the tidal plant, considering border reservoir occupation, silting and especially low head turbines, is proposed. 


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